
FPGA Serial ACL Tester Version 3

by Timothy Stotts

FPGA Serial ACL Tester Version 3 project and source code

Now with support for:

  • Digilent Inc. Arty S7-25 FPGA development board containing a small Xilinx Spartan-7 FPGA
  • Digilent Inc. Arty A7-100 FPGA development board containing a large Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA
  • Digilent Inc. Zybo Z7-20 APSoC development board containing a moderate Zyng-7000 SoC.


A small FPGA project of different implementations for testing Measurement and Activity Events of a SPI accelerometer. The Xilinx MicroBlaze design and the three HDL designs can now target either of two FPGA development boards produced by Digilent Inc; one being lower cost. - Digilent Inc. Arty-S7-25 FPGA development board containing a small Xilinx Spartan-7 FPGA - Digilent Inc. Arty-A7-100 FPGA development board containing a large Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA

Three peripherals are used: Digilent Inc. Pmod ACL2, Digilent Inc. Pmod CLS., Digilent Inc. Pmod SSD.

Additionally, the Xilinx Zynq design targets the Digilent Inc. Zybo-Z7-20 FPGA development board containing a Xilinx Zynq-7000 APSoC. Three peripherals are used: Digilent Inc. Pmod ACL2, Digilent Inc. Pmod CLS., Digilent Inc. Pmod SSD.

The design is broken into six groupings. The first group targets the Digilent Inc. Arty A7-100 development board. The second group targets the Digilent Inc. Arty S7-25 development board. The next three groups target either of the Digilent Inc. Arty-S7-25 or Digilent Inc. Arty A7-100 development boards. The last group targets the Digilent Inc. Zybo Z7-20 development board. The projects are likely portable to the smaller Arty A7-35 and Zybo-Z7-10 respectively as the designs are low resource utilization.

The folder ACL-Tester-Design-MB contains a Xilinx Vivado IP Integrator plus Xilinx Vitis design. A microblaze soft CPU is instantiated to talk with board components, an accelerometer peripheral, a 16x2 character LCD peripheral, and a two-digit Seven Segment Display. Sources to be incorporated into a Xilinx Vitis project contain a very small FreeRTOS program in C; drivers for the peripherals, a real-time task to operate and poll the accelerometer, two real-time tasks to display data, and a real-time task to color-mix RGB LEDs. (None of the real-time tasks demonstrate executing with a precise timer, but only demonstrate a best-effort execution; as such, calling these tasks real-time may be a misnomer. Executing these tasks with a precise timer can be achieved with FreeRTOS; but the benefit does not outweigh the added complexity for this specific implementation.)

The folder ACL-Tester-Design-MB-S7 contains a Xilinx Vivado IP Integrator plus Xilinx Vitis design. A microblaze soft CPU is instantiated to talk with board components, an accelerometer peripheral, a 16x2 character LCD peripheral, and a two-digit Seven Segment Display. Sources to be incorporated into a Xilinx Vitis project contain a very small FreeRTOS program in C; drivers for the peripherals, a real-time task to operate and poll the accelerometer and light the LEDs, plus two real-time tasks to display data. (None of the real-time tasks demonstrate executing with a precise timer, but only demonstrate a best-effort execution; as such, calling these tasks real-time may be a misnomer. Executing these tasks with a precise timer can be achieved with FreeRTOS; but the benefit does not outweigh the added complexity for this specific implementation.)

The folder ACL-Tester-Design-SV contains a Xilinx Vivado project with sources containing only SystemVerilog RTL modules. Plain HDL without a soft CPU or C code is authored to talk with board components, an accelerometer peripheral, and a 16x2 character LCD peripheral. The project uses clock enable pulses instead of clock dividers as much as possible throughout the design. Note that an init script and pin constraints are included for both the Arty-A7-100 and the Arty-S7-25.

The folder ACL-Tester-Design-Verilog contains a Xilinx Vivado project with sources containing only Verilog RTL modules. Plain HDL without a soft CPU or C code is authored to talk with board components, an accelerometer peripheral, and a 16x2 character LCD peripheral. The project uses clock enable pulses instead of clock dividers as much as possible throughout the design. Note that an init script and pin constraints are included for both the Arty-A7-100 and the Arty-S7-25.

The folder ACL-Tester-Design-VHDL contains a Xilinx Vivado project with sources containing only VHDL-2002 and VHDL-2008 RTL modules. Plain HDL without a soft CPU or C code is authored to talk with board components, an accelerometer peripheral, and a 16x2 character LCD peripheral. The project uses clock enable pulses instead of clock dividers as much as possible throughout the design. Note that an init script and pin constraints are included for both the Arty A7-100 and the Arty S7-25. The design additionally includes a modifiable OS-VVM test-bench in VHDL-2008 to exercise the RTL in simulation. Only a single default test is implemented; and the test-bench is almost the same for SystemVerilog, Verilog, and VHDL RTL variants. The test-bench can be executed with the open source program GHDL.

The folder ACL-Tester-Design-Zynq contains a Xilinx Vivado IP Integrator plus Xilinx Vitis design. The Zynq hard ARM CPU #0 is configured to talk with board components, a SPI MEMS accelerometer peripheral, a 16x2 character LCD peripheral, and a two-digit 7-segment display. Its functionality is mostly equivalent to that of the ACL-Tester-Design-MB design.

These six groupings of design provide equivalent functionality, excepting that the HDL designs provide additional pulsing effect of the board’s three-emitter RGB LEDs for esthetics. Additionally:

  • the Arty A7-100 Xilinx MicroBlaze design operates the RGB and Basic LEDs with PWMs instead of GPIO.
  • the Arty S7-25 Xilinx MicroBlaze design operates the RGB and Basic LEDs with GPIO instead of PWMs.
  • the Zynq design produces equivalent functionality as the MB (MicroBlaze) desgin, but targting a Zybo Z7-20 board instead.

Further notes. The Xilinx MicroBlaze and Xilinx Zynq designs implement an alternative IP module instead of Pmod SSD user IP, called MuxSSD. This allows the FreeRTOS C code to implement a software driver to update two registers on the MuxSSD IP that control the discrete segments of each of the two Seven Segment digit emitters. The MuxSSD IP in the IPI-BD takes care of multiplexing the two digits with only 8 general purpose signals. The FreeRTOS program can write one or both digits at any time and expect continued display of both digits with no necessary timer usage for GPIO multiplexing in the CPU user code.

Naming conventions notice

The Pmod peripherals used in this project connect via a standard bus technology design called SPI. The use of MOSI/MISO terminology is considered obsolete. COPI/CIPO is now used. The MOSI signal on a controller can be replaced with the title ‘COPI’. Master and Slave terms are now Controller and Peripheral. Additional information can be found here. The choice to use COPI and CIPO instead of SDO and SDI for single-direction bus signals is simple. On a single peripheral bus with two data lines of fixed direction, the usage of the signal name “SDO” is dependent on whether the Controller or the Peripheral is the chip being discussed; whereas COPI gives the exact direction regardless of which chip is being discussed. The author of this website agrees with the open source community that the removal of offensive language from standard terminology in engineering is a priority.

Project Homepage

FPGA Serial ACL Tester Version 3 project and source code

Project information document:

./Serial ACL Readings Tester - Refreshed.pdf

Serial ACL Readings Tester info

Diagrams design document (only the HDL designs):


Serial ACL Design Diagrams info

Target device assembly: Arty A7-100 with Pmod ACL2, Pmod CLS, Pmod SSD, on extension cables

Target device assembly

Target device assembly and execution: Arty S7-25 with Pmod ACL2, Pmod CLS, Pmod SSD, on extension cables

Target device assembly

Target device assembly: Zybo Z7-20 with Pmod ACL2, Pmod CLS, Pmod SSD, on extension cables

Target device assembly

Block diagram architecture of the HDL designs:

ACL Tester Architecture Diagram

Top Port diagram architecture of the HDL designs:

ACL Tester Top Ports Diagram