
FPGA Serial Mem Tester Version 2 by Timothy Stotts

FPGA Serial Mem Tester Version 2 project and source code


A small AP SoC project of Zynq-7000 implementation for testing a N25Q Serial Flash. The design targets the Digilent Inc. Zybo-Z7-20 FPGA development board containing a Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGA. Two peripherals are used: Digilent Inc. Pmod SF3, Digilent Inc. Pmod CLS. These are a SPI Flash peripheral, and a 16x2 character LCD peripheral.

The folder SF-Tester-Design-Zynq contains a Xilinx Vivado IP Integrator plus Xilinx Vitis design. The Zynq hard ARM CPU #0 is configured to talk with board components, a SPI Flash peripheral, and a 16x2 character LCD peripheral.

Sources to be incorporated into a Xilinx Vitis project contain a very small FreeRTOS program in C; drivers for the peripherals, a real-time task to operate the flash chip, two real-time tasks to display data, and a real-time task to color-mix RGB LEDs.

Release pending

The Release A of this project is pending.

Project homepage

FPGA Serial Flash Tester Version 2 project and source code

Project information document:

./Serial Flash Sector Tester - Zynq.pdf

Serial Flash Sector Tester for Zynq info

Target device assembly: Zybo-Z7-20 with Pmod SF3, Pmod CLS on extension cable

Target device assembly